1 posts2020
2 posts-
Initial Impressions of WSL 2
13× Faster than WSL 1
A Two Settings Problem
How I fixed two vexing Windows mysteries
2 posts-
Webdev on Windows with WSL and VS Code
The 2018 Edition of my step-by-step guide of setting up Linux, Git, Ruby, Rails, Python, Node, and Visual Studio Code on Windows 10
8 posts-
Dave Builds a PC
Zen and the Art of PC Maintenance
How I'd Save Windows Phone
The #davegoeswindows Finale
TL;DR I'm sticking with Windows
Ruby on Rails on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
Dave Goes Build
Microsoft invited me out to their annual developer conference
Jekyll on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
Dave Goes Back to Mac for 20 Minutes
Yup, I'm still enjoying these Always Sunny-style titles.
#davegoeswindows check-in
Entering month five of being on Windows, I thought it would be nice to check-in on my progress.
5 posts-
Dave Goes to the Microsoft Store
Hardware failures, Troubleshooting, System Restores, Microsoft Stores, DRAMA!
Windows Editors and Shells
The nuts and bolts of my dev environment setup.
Developing on Windows
What is and isn't working on my dev environment as #davegoeswindows
Dave is Going Windows
To celebrate the launch of Windows 10, here's an update on #davegoeswindows
Mac Monoculture vs. Device Diversity