Congratulations on joining a secret society! RSS Club is a collection of blogs (personal and otherwise) committed to providing RSS-only content. It’s like a newsletter delivered to your feed reader in order to celebrate the medium of RSS and breakaway from social media.
74 current members:
- Adrian Roselli
- Alchemists
- Alvan Rahimli 🇦🇿 🇬🇺
- Antonio Cambronero 🇪🇸
- Anthony Nelzin-Santos 🇫🇷
- Ben Frain
- Benjamin Willems
- Brian DeVries
- Bruno Pulis 🇧🇷
- Caleb Hearth
- Chris Burnell
- Chris Shaw
- Chris Shiflett
- Chris WM
- Colin Walker
- Conor Meagher
- Dan Q
- Daniel Hähnel 🇩🇪
- Dave Rupert
- David Enzel
- Derek Kedziora
- Didier J. MARY 🇫🇷
- Hendrik Spree 🇩🇪
- Erik Gahner Larsen 🇩🇰
- Evan Travers
- Farai Gandiya
- Frank Meeuwsen 🇳🇱
- Geoff Graham
- Guy d'Andigné
- Honza Pokorny
- Jeff Bridgforth
- Jim Nielsen
- Joe Krall
- Jose Munoz
- Justin Vollmer
- Kahlil Lechelt
- Kev Quirk
- La Lune Mauve 🇫🇷
- Laura
- ldstephens
- Levi McGranahan
- Maik 🇩🇪
- Marc Amos
- Marc Thiele
- Matt Steele
- Matt Stein
- Matthias Ott
- Matthias Pfefferle 🇩🇪
- Mijndert Stuij
- Mirko Caserta 🇮🇹
- Nathan DeGruchy
- Oliver Hartmann 🇩🇪
- Pedro Corá 🇳🇱
- Peter Goes
- Raul Montala
- Rebecca Owen
- René Coignard
- Reyan Chaudhry
- Rob Weychert
- Robb Knight
- Robert Pfotenhauer
- R. S. Doiel
- Ru Singh
- Ruben Arakelyan 🇬🇧
- Ryan Jerz
- Sean McPherson
- Shariq Raza Qadri
- Simon Collison
- Stefan Bohacek
- Stephen Petrey
- Ton Zijlstra
- Younes Ben Amara 🇩🇿
Want to set up your own? Read how I did it and remember the rules:
- 1st rule of RSS Club is “Don’t Talk About RSS Club”.
- 2nd rule of RSS Club is “Don’t Share on Social Media”.
- 3rd rule of RSS Club is “Provide Value”.
Don’t talk about it. Let people find it. Make it worthwhile.
If you set up your own, send me an email with the following…
name: Your Name 🇫🇷 # Flag is optional, helps surface non-English content.
…and I’ll get you added to the list.
What kind of content should you post? Whatever you want. More personal, less personal, weird. It doesn’t matter. Here’s my log of RSS-only posts:
- Unnecessary
- On government efficiency
- Sneak Peek: Mundango
- A life of preferences
- The Case of the Incurable Foot Fungus
- The War in Ukraine
- So What's Good?
- Doge'd a bullet
- The Hexagons and the Hexa-nots
- NFTs are sucking the air out of everything
- 千里の道も一歩から
- Fantasy unemployment
- The Demagogue vs. The Pandemic
- New App Prototype: Prompts
- A lament for max_user_watches
- What I Don't Like About Capitalism Part III
- Prototyping a Book on Prototyping
- The Washing Machine Salesman
- What I Don't Like About Capitalism Part II
- “What Would You Do Without a Phone?”
- What I Don't Like About Capitalism Part I
- Sneak Peek: Mindgame
- jQuery & NPM
- Welcome to RSS Club