Howdy. It’s March already. Let’s catch up. In January, Austin had a freeze but thankfully uneventful. Brings up a lot of “my dumb hyper-capitalist ultra-Libertarian government has created a failed state” trauma though. In February, my family and I have been battling sickness on and off. Switching over to care for a sick kid at home is such a sidewinder to my intended productivity. Shazam! Transformed from computer man into a butler who futily tries to hypnotize kids (who don’t take naps) into taking naps. We are rolling with the punches that come from attending public school and Spring Break starts next week.
Temperatures are already hitting 89ºF (31.6ºC). It’s still technically Winter, but feels like late Spring. I’m trying to enjoy it and take walks but feel a background sense of dread for the upcoming Summer. There’s an old saying in Texas that goes something “warm winter, cool summer” (sometimes expressed as “extreme winter, extreme summer”). I haven’t crunched the numbers to verify that, but looking at the data trends it seems to only go up and the new February 2024 ocean surface temperature chart makes more alarmed.
But enough existential climate dread, let’s take a look back across these past two-and-a-half months.
A different but successful Christmas
We celebrated Christmas at home this year. Typically, we visit family in other states for the holiday. But hauling Christmas across the continent is too much and after last year’s debacle where I missed Christmas day entirely, we made the decision to not travel until after Christmas. I missed seeing my extended family but I’ve never been more relaxed around the holidays.
The day after Christmas we flew up to Omaha, Nebraska to visit my dad and saw my brother and step-brother’s family. We had a great time. Kids played hard. We went to the zoo. We nearly froze to death going ice skating. We went to an interactive museum. And we played lots and lots of dice games and crokinole.
We left Nebraska with a double dose of bad family news but fingers crossed there’s better news ahead.
Digital gardening
I spent heaps of time tinkering on my site. Getting it juuuuust right.
- I tightened up spacing and typography a bit across all the pages.
- Moved my bookshelf to the main navigation after Trent suggested it.
- Prototyped a page for “Limited Runs”, self-contained story arcs and seasons.
- I blogged a metric ton.
That last one makes me happy. I had two blogging-related goals in my Year-in-Review post:
- Publish half of my 39 drafts
- Publish on other sties
I’m happy to report that I succeeded at both. I posted 31 posts on this blog and 2 posts over on Boost, the new Frontend Masters blog. Somehow, I still have 30 drafts left. Weird how that happens. It feels good to get those posts out, much cognitive load shedding occurred.
Office reorganizing
A new year, a new season of life, and a dose of inspiration from Adam Savage’s reworking of his workshop, I felt compelled to drastically reorganize my office.
I moved my bookshelf to the back wall, bringing my Gundam compulsion front-and center. I 180º’d my desk to a different wall and put the windows at my back. That creates some video call whiteout sun challenges, but the sun is not in my face anymore. My office now feels fresh and zesty and like a much better use of the space.
🧠 Learning
- Becoming a domestic goddess - Started a daily habit of cleaning and organizing more. I’m not great at it but trying to get better.
- Algorithms - Lots of reading, Leetcodes, and went thru Primeagen’s “The Last Algorithms Course You’ll Need” on Frontend Masters. I don’t like algorithms.
💪 Fitness
- Got a new bike for Christmas, but haven’t done a good job at riding it.
- Been walking more. That’s nice.
📖 Reading
My book consumption feels like I’ve slowed down, but I’m closer to the Book-a-Week club than I want to be.
- Enough by Cassidy Hutchinson
- Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism by Rachel Maddow
- The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-line Pioneers by Tom Standage
- If You Want Something Done: Leadership Lessons from Bold Women by Nikki Haley
- Technopoly by Neil Postman
- Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection by Charles Duhigg
- Gundam III by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko
- Doom Guy: Life in First Person by John Romero
- The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires by Tim Wu
📝 Blogging
Frontend Masters Boost Blog (2 posts)
This Blog (31 posts)
- The History of Donkey Kong and Mario
- Twenty Twenty-Three
- Quotes from moving house
- Accessible Fart Machines
- Trying to be the ideal American family with a small fridge
- Ecosia
- MDX with Web Components Part II
- Dropout
- Stitch images together with Stitchy
- Not a collector, but…
- WobblyBox, a web component for wobbly boxes
- Where have all the flowers gone?
- Play at work
- One big, one little
- The time to unmaintainable is very low
- What Can a Website Do?
- Are Design Systems a zero-interest rate phenomenon?
- Users first then do teams
- Big, beautiful, beefy focus states with :focus-visible
- An inbox full o’ opportunities
- At last, browser choice*
- “I used to listen to your podcast”
- A holy communion
- CoraQuest
- Continuous startup jobs
- A dozen thoughts about AI
- UI = f(statesⁿ)
- Week Links №1: Mid-Feb 2024
- A tale of three architectures
- Duolingo
- How to get on a podcast
📺 Media
- Howl’s Moving Castle (Max) - Never actually saw this Studio Ghibli classic. I was surprised to learn that Howl was not the old lady.
- Dune II - A perfectly executed sequel to an epic-feeling epic.
- Den-noh Coil S1-S2 (Netflix) - An anime set in the future where all the kids have an AR visor.
In Progress
- Zeta Gundam (Crunchyroll) - Kamille!
- Delicious in Dungeon S1 (Netflix) - Dungeon crawling meets Japanese cooking show
- Gundam Build Divers S1 (Crunchyroll) - More gunpla fan service and I’m here for it.
I love this medium and cleared out my podcast queue… then posted about it and now I have ten more series to get thru. I love how that works.
- The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill (Christianity Today) - A story about hero worship, toxic masculinity, failed accountability, and its impact on a large community.
- The Long Shadow S1: 9/11’s Lingering Questions - An in-depth look the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the unanswered questions.
- The Long Shadoe S2: Rise of the American Far Right - From the Branch Davidians in Waco to the rise of modern day right wing extremism in the form of white supremacy, conspiracy theories, and the insurrection.
- A Very British Cult (BBC) - Inside Lighthouse, the life coaching pyramid scheme that also made you mistrust your family and remortgage your home.
- Things Fell Apart S2 (BBC) - Jon Ronson’s follow up look at the culture wars. This season is about how one small misunderstanding cascades to become a large misunderstanding.
- Scene on Radio S5: The Repair - Climate change, the most pressing issue of our time and how we go about repairing it.
- Scene on Radio S6: Echos of a Coup - The recounting of America’s only successful coup in 1898 when a white supremacist mob ousted duly elected officials of Wilmington, NC.
- The Adventure Zone Versus Dracula
- Finding Drago
- Santiago Boys
🎙 Recording
- Ep598: Jen Simmons on Interop, WebKit Releases, and New CSS Features in Safari
- Ep600 Where Will The Web Be 12 Years from Now?
- Ep601: Brad Frost on A Global Design System + Frostapalooza
- Ep602: Deno, React Alternatives, and Copilot Concerns with Triple Threat Josh Collinsworth
- Ep605: Jim Nielsen on Subversive URLs, Blogging + AI, and Design Engineers
🤖 Gunpla

Cleared out my gunpla backlog and celebrated by buying three more models.
- HG Gundam Calibarn
- HG PMX-003 ‘THE-O’
- MG RGM-89 Jegan
I also started on the RG MSN-04 Sazabi, but not quiiiite finished yet.
⌨️ Open source
- WobblyBox - A web component for wobbly boxes.
👾 Video games
- Gundam UC Engage
- Duolingo 🔥 100-day streak… then quit.
- Call of Duty: Warzone
- Rage quit and uninstalled Overwatch 2