· Offline · #travel #geolocation
DayTrip was a travel app that encourages you to break the Netflix cycle and leave your house on the weekend. The goal wasn’t to surface everything, only surface the best spots outside the metro area. We had to guarantee the spot was worth a 30-minute or 3-hour drive. Reagan Ray, the editor, sourced the best spots outside of Austin using a mix of Texas Monthly magazines and “Best BBQ Spots in Texas” lists.
The app was incredible. My family and I used all the time to drive outside of town and get end up somewhere new. On Saturdays we’d wake up, open the app and head out on the road. We went to barbeque restaurants, small town cafes, museums in other towns, and state parks for a hike. Formed some great family memories trekking around Austin.
As an official Paravel side project and we printed up t-shirts and everything. Lots of Austinites reached out to say thank you. We had plans to expand outside of Austin but scaling quality control was challenging as well as keeping up with closures.