🎉 After nearly ten years of weekly podcasts, Shop Talk has entered into a new realm: Video. Under the umbrella of the CSS-Tricks YouTube channel we’ve started posting daily-ish videos about front-end web development. This is a 🔥 year for CSS, so there’s no shortage of topics or #hotdrama
to talk about and demo.
We’re still dialing in the formula, but it’s shaping up to look like 15~20 minute videos delivered thrice weekly. Math-wise, that’s not too different than doing another one hour podcast every week. Video of course is a little more involved, you need to spend a bit more effort planning out tech demos. Keeping our same (overly?) casual feel makes it all sustainable for us. If Chris and I were doing video content full time it might make sense to write and edit a bit more, but both of us have day jobs, are running companies, and contributing code.
One nice by-product of exploring video is that we get a chance to re-explain mouth-coding examples or overly visual concepts that were probably confusing on the audio podcast. As much as I love podcasting, the lack of visual examples for a visual field like Web Design and Development is a limitation. I like that the YouTube series is like supplementary material to ideas covered in the podcast, rather than a replacement.
Okay! That’s it! I hope you enjoy the little foray into video.
And I wouldn’t be a YouTuber if I didn’t say… Be sure to drop a like and subscribe, that really helps us out in the algorithm. And ring that bell for notifications when new videos come out.