Craig Hockenberry had a powerful post this past weekend over on the Iconfactory blog. Last week Iconfactory’s flagship app, Twitterific, was one of around 20 apps in the App Store’s “Popular Apps Using VoiceOver” feature. To sum up this impact, Iconfactory posted a graph of their downloads over the last three months. Last week’s Accessibility feature garnered more downloads than their v5.1* updates and the Apple Watch launch.

Not to get overly emotional, but I get a little teary-eyed thinking about people having access to information where maybe they didn’t before.

Those downloads could just be apart of being in the first feature slot, but it’s nice to see some data that says “Accessibility is justifiable and worth the cost”. Kudos to Apple for incentivizing Accessibility, I hope more developers hop on board and prioritize this on their Trellos and Kanbans and whatnot.

/via Iconfactory Blog