The annual updates to Webkit and Safari are exciting for a web developer like me. A feature finally shipping on Mobile Safari tends to mean it’s now a feature we can actually use. Here’s my recap of what’s new.
is awesome. So much hacking to get legible text over an image is now a solved problem. Supports Apple’s blurry design aesthetic.scroll-snap-points
are awesome. Microsoft had this in IE10, but it was nice how they presented them as their brainchild. Supports Apple’s trend in scroll-jacking websites.- ES6 features are great.
is very welcome.- PiP… meh? Probably nice for video sites and advertisers.
Ugh. I mean I guess we’ll support your own proprietary ForceTouch hardware now. Why not extend W3C PointerEvents as opposed to creating more proprietary events? I dunno.
Those were just the updates in the video. There’s loads more over on; Unprefixed CSS Properties1, Responsive Design Mode™2, Pinned Tabs3, and lots of other nice features.
I’m happy to see things move forward but annual updates is an interesting choice for Safari.
Yay! ↩
Safari’s Responsive Design Mode™ only focuses only on Apple’s device sizes, reinforcing an Apple Monoculture, but sure great. ↩
You’ll need to create a new 100% black SVG favicon for this to work… umm… okay… sure…oh it also appears to have broken compat. Good job. ↩